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I didn't start a blog to write an 'About Me'

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


What's a blog without an introductory post? I have decided it is time for me to start another blog. Yes, another. I've made blogs before but they've all fallen to the depths of internet hell; in other words I forgot about them or was too lazy to ever update them or make them interesting. Will this one be any different? Maybe, this is only my first entry in hopefully a cornucopia of insights to my life and the things I like, the things that piss me off, and just the things I feel like posting on the internet.

So the next thing would be to tell you what the blog is about. Truth be told, I'm not really sure yet, and I'm not really sure I'll ever be sure. Mostly it will probably be a range of things all based on things that interest me or affect me emotionally. For example, I may make a post about my stance on religion, and the next day follow it up with a review for a indie folk britpop mashcore album. While this may be a mistake on my part because it my be limiting my audience and my blog's appeal (hell, I'm posting on blogspot, getting a blog off the ground here is almost as easy as sun cooking a turkey), hopefully my boring monotonous writing style will keep you interested.

And with that being said lets get to know me a little bit by making a list of all the things I should be doing right now instead of starting a blog, in order of importance relative to being successful in life:
  1. Reading my psychology textbook and taking my online quiz.
  2. Going to get the wet clothes out of the back of my car before they are ruined, and also check to make sure no one threw a brick through my windshield.
  3. Eating. I tend to have a bad habit of forgetting to do this occasionally.
  4. Playing The Beatles: Rock Band.
  5. Finishing my review for Guitar Hero 5.
  6. Pick up some trash and tidy up my dorm room.
  7. Get a recommended 7-8 hours of sleep.
There's probably other things, but right now that's all I can think of. Well my mental capacity to continue writing about nothing is starting to wear thin, so I'll wrap this up in hopes of making entries that are relevant and contribute to our society later on down the road. So to answer some general questions that may still be in the void: Yes, I do like the Hold Steady and therefore I will reference their lyrics as often as possible, or in blog titles, or URLs. Yes, there may be some fucking curse words, it depends on the day and my mood. Yes, I'll change the layout, but right now it is what is, and in fact I haven't even looked at it yet. Yes, there may often times be pictures. Yes, I may often times whine about things that will make this seem like a vague diary entry. And yes, I do realize there is a great possibility that no one will care.

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